Join Casamaka Artists Program Now

Happy New Year to all our daki fans! We wish you all have a wonderful time with your waifu!

As part of our new goal to achieve, today, we are happy to announce Casemaka Artist Program and welcome all dakimakura fans to join and build up the daki culture together.

Who Is Casemaka?

As all know,anime dakimakura is so adorable that makes us feel warm, happy, and accompanied. Since all Casemaka team members are anime dakimakura hardcore fans, our goal is simple: make every anime fan has their own unique dakimakura.

However, there’re so many anime body pillows selling without any commission to the artists on the website. If the hardworking artists get nothing in return, this culture would. We need to change, we need the artists and anime lovers, let’s play for the change.

Call To The Artist:

Let’s imagine that all your creating work will have the chance to present to thousands of anime lovers all over the world, 24/7 who really know how to cherish your work. That feeling is great, right? Please give casemaka a chance to make your dream come true.

Plus, you will have the potential to get thousands of dollars every month. 8% revenue share for every deal which is calculated on the sales amount on For more rewards, please contact casemaka via “contact us” or fb.

How To Get Payment From Casemaka?

PayPal, VISA, American Express and Credit Card depend on which payment methods you set. We will transfer the payment straight after the sale is done.

How To Submit Your Design

  1. Fill out the form below & Upload your design with the file name format: Name of Artist – Name of Design (Example: Miku Chan – Tokyo Ghoul Dakimakura)
  2. Design Requirements: 160 x 50 cm Dakimakura Design Only 2700 x 8100 Pixels at least Color Mode: CMYK

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at and we will response within 24 hours.

Let’s spread the daki culture and make the world full of love.

For more information, please checkout

2 thoughts on “Join Casamaka Artists Program Now”

  1. Hello! I am known as kritsu on the internet. I will love to learn more and give this platform a try to draw dakimakura designs.

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